Framon, Electronic Code Machine FRA2001
Our FRA-2001 Computer Driven Code machine is the ultimate code cutter for those involved with cylinder or automotive work. For 2005, the machine will have several new enhancements to the control software, which is our Genericode ME program. Shown below is the main screen of the program.

What the buttons all do…
The Code # button enables you to look up a code number and generate a key. The machine will search through utility, vehicle, padlock, antique, and Illinois/Chicago double bitted codes. | |
The Utility, Vehicle, Cycle/Boat/Airplane, Padlock, and Original Manufacturer buttons allow you to search for a particular category & determine which code series they use. This is especially handy when you have a long number which may be a code. You can see what the manufacturer actually uses for a code series & determine if you have the correct number, or if you need to drop a few digits from the number. | |
Manufacturer allows you to cut keys for locks such as Schlage, Kwikset, or any series that does not have a code. If you need to generate a Schlage key, simply click on Manufacturer, select the Schlage record, and enter the cuts. The 2001 machine will then generate a key. | |
Information is a data section of the program containing contact information for industry companies, such as manufacturers, distributors, schools, etc. It also contains a Locksmith Ledger editorial index. | |
Application Setup allows you to enter your two preferred key blank types, as well as choose metric or US mode for measurement display. | |
History is a section where you can save records of key generated on the machine. You can store customer information for future retrieval. |
Those are the basics of the program. The software will make your job easier, with features such as:
Fill in the missing cuts (for automotive work this is a necessity) | |
A complete section of Determinator half cuts to work with this handy tool | |
The ability to print out the page in the Manufacturers or Code Lookup section | |
Generate a progression chart for automotive work | |
Easily cut keys from a progression chart | |
If you have other code equipment, Genericode shows cutting information for popular machines, such as card number, cam/carriage, etc. |
You can install the program on other computers in your shop and van at no additional charge.
Dimensions: 20″ w x 20″ d x 18″ h
Available in 110V AC or 220V AC
Shipping Weight: 60 lbs.
Drive Belt Replacement Effective 3/9/05: CNCMS605