Arrow Lock & Door Hardware S1200 Rim Exit Device
Arrow Lock and Door Hardware S1200 Rim Exit Device
Chassis & Cover - Non-ferrous alloy
End Cap - Black lexan
Rail Assembly - Steel or stainless steel Rail Size - Furnished standard for 30" to 36" doors. Rails may be cut to size in the field. Code requires rails to exceed 50% of door width, therefore maximum door width should not exceed 60". Longer rails available for doors 36" to 48".
Doors - Wood or hollow metal, 1-3/4" thick with 4-1/2" minimum stile. 4-5/8" for fire-labeled devices. Will fit doors cut for ANSI 161 door prep.
Hand - Non-handed.
Strikes - S38 surface applied furnished standard. S36 Double door strike for double doors without mullion.
Latchbolt - 3/4" throw stainless steel.
Dogging - Hex key dogging standard. Cylinder dogging available.
Trim - One chassis will accept all trim designs and functions. Through bolts - To order separately, specify S52 for S1200, F-S52 for F-S1200, and finish.
Finish - AL - Powder coat aluminum
Certification- Certified to conform to the standards of ANSI/BHMA A156.3 Type 1 Grade 1.
U.L. listed for panic, standard. Labeled for 3 hour or lesser fire doors. To order, add prefix "F" to device.
Made in the USA.
Mfg. # S1250AL36